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Mike Fitzgerald's Biography

Contact Information

No contact information available.

Full Name:

Mike Fitzgerald




Married; 2 Children: Ema, Audrey

Birth Place:

Atlanta, GA

BS, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995-1999

No political experience information on file.

President/Managing Broker, Fitzgerald Land & Commercial Realty, 2005-present

Land Sales, Coldwell Banker, 2002-2005

Business Development, Trilogy, 1999-2001

No organizational membership information on file.

Hobbies or Special Talents:

My wife and I love to travel, take cooking classes together, and she's even talked me into taking couples dancing classes before which I will publicly admit I liked a lot more than I thought I would.

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

My name is Mike Fitzgerald, and I'm proud to be our candidate for the Georgia House of Representatives, District 55, in the Special Election on Tuesday, June 16th.

This special election will come as a surprise to some of our families and businesses after having the same state representative since 1980. But my desire to serve this community did not surface with Rep. Tyrone Brook's resignation on April 9th.

I'm running for the Georgia House of Representatives because as a third generation Atlanta native, a proud husband and father, a successful small business owner, I can no longer sit quietly by on the sidelines and watch as career politicians turn our citizen legislature into the place that cuts our kids school funding, makes it harder for our neighbors to start their own business, and doesn't do enough to make sure our families are safe in their own homes. I know I'm not alone in this: We can do better. We must do better.

That's why as our next State Representative I will work hard every single day to bring my extensive small business owner experience and point of view to the legislature, and make sure that we are making it easier for small businesses to start up here. I'll work hard every single day to make sure we are doing everything possible to bring good companies with good jobs to Georgia -- so we can stop losing out to other cities.

I will work hard every single day as a proud product of Atlanta area public schools, as a dedicated and active father in my daughters education, and as someone married to an Atlanta area public school teacher, to make sure our kids schools are fully funded, and that our teachers and administrators get the full support they need to ensure our kids have the brightest possible future.

As a son and a husband I will fight hard every single day to make sure that not just my mother and my wife feel safe in their homes, but that every Atlanta family feels like they can let their children play outside and walk to school without fear. Until every mother, child and senior in our neighborhood feels safe, we have more work to do.

I want all of our unique Atlanta neighborhoods to be places where people are confident again, where families can grow and prosper, where there are sustainable careers that pay family-supporting wages. I want all our kids to get a great education, in schools that are funded fairly. I want us to build our future -- together - not fear it.

I hope over the next short four weeks to get to talk to you personally, and hear your ideas on how to make our District even better. And I hope to earn your support, your prayers and your vote for Georgia House of Representatives, District 55, in the Special Election on Tuesday, June 16th.

Spouse's Occupation:

Public School Teacher
