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Peter Vedro's Biography


Contact Information



617 Bascom Hill Drive
Baraboo, WI 53913

Full Name:

Peter Vedro




4 Children: Zandrea, Zachary, Isabella, Noelle

MAT, English, State University of New York at New Paltz, 1971-1972

BA, English, Colorado College, 1967-1971

Member, Sauk County Board of Supervisors, District 15, 2014-present

Member, School Board, Baraboo School District

Candidate, Wisconsin State Assembly, District 81, 2014

President/Chief Executive Officer, VisionQuest International, 2004-present

Vice Chair, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), 2000-2003

Vice President, Covey Leadership Center, 1989-1995

Upper School Teacher, Polytechnic School, 1980-1986

No organizational membership information on file.

Priority Issues:

The center of my campaign is a return to justice, what I call the 3Es:

Economic Justice: Reclaiming the unalienable right to collective bargaining and working to restore a minimum wage that at least allows a full time worker a standard of living above poverty.

Educational Justice: Supporting State Superintendent Dr. Tony Evers' plan for "Fair Funding for Schools" and restoring traditional levels of funding support to our UW system.

Environmental Justice: Returning the DNR to an agency that protects our waters and lands from degradation and supports the legacy of Fred Clark's work as our Representative.

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

When asked why he was seeking a seat in an obviously corrupt Parliament, philosopher Edmund Burke's reply best summarizes my intent: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Wisconsin's traditional values of good governance and support for education have been violated by the outrageous process and outcomes of the state budget that not only deprived people of their collective bargaining rights, but also slashed $1.2 billion dollars from the rapidly growing needs of educating all of our children, defying Wisconsin's constitutional commitment.

SB1, the mining bill, violates Wisconsin's conservation ethic and traditional protection of our lands and water by allowing them to be sold to the highest bidder while at the same time taking away the rights and decision-making authority of local communities to protect themselves.

Voter suppression and redistricting legislation has deprived citizens of their most fundamental right to have a voice in who is elected to represent them through democratic and representative government guaranteed under both the Wisconsin and United States Constitutions.
