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Victoria Dooling's Biography

Contact Information

No contact information available.

Full Name:

Victoria 'Vicki' Ann Dooling




Husband: Richard; 2 Children: Toddy, Candace

Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Houston, TX

Attended, Los Angeles Pierce College

Member, Nevada State Republican Party, present

Assembly Member, Nevada State Assembly, District 41, 2014-2017

Former Member, Education Committee, Nevada State Assembly

Former Member, Government Affairs Committee, Nevada State Assembly

Former Member, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining Committee, Nevada State Assembly

Former Member, Transportation Committee, Nevada State Assembly

Owner, Garment Design Manufacturing Company, present

No organizational membership information on file.

Number of Grandchildren:


Reason for Seeking Public Office:

Over the past several years I've become more and more aware of the effect the political environment has on our daily lives. Everywhere I look there are increases in government spending, pressure to increase taxes, continually expanding budget deficits, an explosion of regulations as well as nagging unemployment here in Nevada that just isn't getting any better.

As I look at our legislative sessions over the past several sessions, I don't see any basic lawmaking that has improved the condition of the average person's day-to-day life. What I do see is:

*I see "Temporary" taxes that were supposed to "sunset", get extended;
*I see increases in subsidies for renewable energy endeavors that cannot provide energy at competitive market rates without a subsidy;
*I see regulatory statutes passed that protect a particular market segment from competition; not provide benefit to the populace as a whole.

My decision to run for office is based on my heartfelt thoughts of the rights of individuals, freedom of choice, personal responsibility, and my deep belief in our Constitutional Republic. I'm not naïve to the fact that there are many special interest groups out there; however I have no affiliation to any company or organization that might have a vested interest in any legislation. I'm simply a person who believes that individuals who are interested in how our government operates can (and should) become involved in the governmental process.

In fact, it should be a responsibility of the populace to become involved on whatever level of government they choose; be it in a city council, a school board, a state representative or wherever that person feels they can make a contribution. Even participation in an election campaign to get another elected to office is a noble undertaking. Apathy is not an option anymore. With all of this said, it is without reservation that I ask for your support in the upcoming election process. ~
