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Paul Marean's Biography

Contact Information

No contact information available.

Full Name:

Paul Marean




Fiancée: Barbara; 3 Stepchildren

Home City:

Hartshorne, OK



No education information on file.

Candidate, Oklahoma State House of Representatives, District 17, 2014

No professional experience on file.

Member, National Rifle Association (NRA), present

Former Chief, Volunteer Fire Department

Father's Name:

My father's name is Ray Marean.

Father's Occupation:

He owns a software company.

Mother's Name:

Pauline Browning

Mother's Occupation:

IBM retiree.

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

There are a lot of reasons. I believe a balanced budget is very important we have one now and we need to make sure it stays that way. Recently in the state we have had a shortfall in the budget and we will again. I am ready to make the hard decisions to keep our state budget balanced. Laws have been passed by the federal government that will crush our economy. They cannot afford to write laws that we can not pay for. US Congress should not be allowed to pass a law unless there is funding, not borrowed money. US Congress and the Senate should not get paid until there is a plan for paying down the deficit enacted. And if they don't they should be subject to term limits. Washington DC is trying to take away our right to own and bear arms. I would always be against this. Your second amendment rights are very important to me. I will do what I can on the local level. I think the (unaffordable) affordable care act is hurting our country. The number of jobs lost has not been calculated yet but it will be the worst unemployment ever! I would like to be able to insure all the kids that don't have health care and the parents that can't afford it. I do care about you and your family. Free market causes competition that always lowers prices. Jobs are leaving our country all the time I would like to do something to keep this from happening. Products are entering our country without being taxed. This is not fair to our manufactures and vendors. Federal regulation has gotten out of control. We need to give Industry time to catch up. Most corporations want to do the right thing but they like the federal government can't pay down the National Debt over night. It took years to get this way and it will take many years to balance the budget. We need to find energy that is renewable and clean. This Industry will create good jobs and keep our military safer. Good jobs solve more problems than it first seems. We all would like a parent to be able to stay home with our children. When one parent can afford to stay home with our kids, they will be better educated and better citizens. A good job solves this. These are some of the reasons that I am running. The number one reason I am running is that I love my country and I want to do as much good as possible. I care about you and your family and want to keep being proud to be an American.

If you want someone you can believe.
If you want someone who will protect the Constitution.
If you want someone that would vote to repeal Obama care.
If you want someone to protect your gun rights.
If you want someone that believes in a balanced budget.
If you want someone who thinks government should be as small as possible.
If you want someone to fight against government waste.
If you think the federal government is over regulating.
If you want someone conservative.
If you don't want a career politician.
If you want a person that believes in the sanctity of marriage.
If you want someone that is pro life.
If you want someone that believes in a strong military.
If you want someone that will look out for our military, wives widows and orphans.
If you want someone that will try to create good jobs.
If you want someone that is pro gas, oil, coal.
If you want someone that is pro small business.
If you want someone that is a Christian.
If you want someone that wants to give our children the best education we can.
If you want someone who does not want the federal government telling our school system how to teach.
If you want someone that is not a rich man.
If you want someone who cares about ranchers, farmers and our forestry land.
If you want someone that cares about you and your family.
If you want someone that will try to keep your taxes as low as possible.
