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Top Trending Pages on

25 April 2017


Top Trending Pages on

The 2016 Election is over, but things are not quiet in politics! Citizens have been busy using to find out what their officials and candidates have been up to.

We went through our website and pulled our most viewed webpages from over the past month, to give you an idea of the topics that seem to be sparking the interest of our users.

Top 10 Officials whose Campaign Finance information was viewed:

  1. Donald Trump (R), United States President

  2. Kamala Harris,  U.S Senate (D-CA)

  3. Jon Ossoff, (D) running for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District

  4. Ted Cruz, U.S Senate (R-TX)

  5. Bernie Sanders, U.S Senate (D-VT)

  6. Gregory Abbott, Governor of Texas (R)

  7. Dan McConchie, State Senate (R-IL) - District 26

  8. Erik Paulsen U.S House, (R-MN) - District 3

  9. Markwayne Mullin U.S House, (R-OK)  - District 2

  10. Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senate (D-NY) and the Democratic Minority Leader.

Top 10 Key Votes viewed:

  1. S J Res 34 - A joint resolution concerning internet privacy. This ruling overturns an FCC rule created last fall that would have prevented Internet Service Providers (Comcast, Verizon, etc.)  from selling individuals’ data.

  2. HR 1430 - A bill passed by the House that prohibits the EPA from proposing any action or regulation that uses science that is not publicly available. This bill only allows the EPA to cite research that is verified by multiple independent sources.

  3. HR 1181 - A bill passed in the House that allows veterans deemed mentally impaired to purchase firearms and ammunition, unless the individual is ruled by a judge to be a danger to themselves or others.

  4. HR 1431 - A bill passed in the House that sets requirements for the qualifications of the EPA Science Advisory Board. The bill requires the Board to try to avoid making policy determinations.

  5. H J Res 38 - A joint resolution passed in the House that nullifies the Stream Protection Rule. According to the bill text, the nullified rule addressed the “impacts of surface coal mining operations on surface water, groundwater, and the productivity of mining operation sites.”

  6. H J Res 69 - A passed House joint resolution disapproving a Department of the Interior rule that restricts hunting practices on national wildlife refuges in Alaska.

  7. H J Res 40 - A joint resolution passed in the House that rejects a rule submitted by the Social Security Administration, which places certain restrictions on gun purchases by individuals who have been deemed incapable of managing their federal benefit payments.

  8. HR 1259 - A passed bill that authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs to quickly fire, demote, or suspend VA employees.

  9. HR 7 - A bill passed by the House that prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion services.

  10. H J Res 43 - A passed joint resolution rejecting a rule that prohibits states from excluding certain family planning service providers from receiving family planning funds.

Top 10 Special Interest Groups viewed:

  1. Planned Parenthood Action Fund

  2. National Rifle Association

  3. Campaign for Working Families

  4. NARAL Pro-Choice America

  5. American Civil Liberties Union

  6. Democrat’s for Life of America

  7. Food Policy Action

  8. National Education Association

  9. National Right to Life Committee

  10. American Conservative Union

Top 10 Officials viewed:

  1. Donald Trump (R), U.S President

  2. Kay Ivey (R), Alabama Governor who was sworn in on Monday, April 10 after Governor Robert Bentley resigned following a scandal

  3. Heath Mello (D), candidate for Mayor of Ohama, NE

  4. Judson Hill (R), defeated in special election for Georgia's 6th Congressional District.

  5. Dan Moody (R), defeated in special election for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District.

  6. Jon Ossoff (D), running for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District

  7. Bernie Sanders U.S Senate (D-VT)

  8. Mike Pence (R), Vice President of The United States

  9. Larry Pittman State House (R-NC) - District 82,

  10. Al Franken, U.S Senate (D-MN)

Related tags: 2017, blog

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