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2014 Voter Self-Defense Manual Release

30 September 2014

The Voter’s Self-Defense Manual— Just the Facts in Your Hands

Sept. 29-- Vote Smart announced today that the 2014 Voter’s Self-Defense Manual is available free to all voters by simply calling 888-VoteSmart or emailing

The manual gives an accurate review of each Congressional member’s recent job performance: votes on major legislation, their contributors, and the ratings they have received from conservative-to-liberal special interests.

“This is the 13th edition,” said Margaux Meyer, editor of the Manual. “Vote Smart has provided this publication free of charge to millions of citizens each election year since 1990. The manual remains a key source of factual data on members of congress for thousands of citizens who prefer to get their facts in hard copy rather than from a computer screen,” Meyer said.

The Manual represents a tiny sampling of the data compiled at, which includes far more extensive research: each politician’s background, issue positions, public statements in issue-searchable databases, voting records, special interest ratings and campaign finances.

The print edition of the Manual is being replaced by the far more popular interactive tools now available at These powerful, easy-to-use new tools provide instant access to a vastly richer database of facts on all politicians. They include:

I SPY: which allows a user to select any politician and then review their entire factual record in six categories: biography, key votes (in simple, easy-to-understand terms), issue positions, public statements (in issue-specific categories), ratings by every special interest in the nation, and campaign contributors.

Political Galaxy: (a metaphor for the universe of factual political information) which enables anyone to instantly access all the facts, on any politician, on any issue, at any time.

VoteEasy: which enables any user to do side -by-side comparisons of Congressional candidates on 12 major issues facing the nation – and then compare the politicians’ stances with their own.

My Vote Smart: which allows any user to register a politician and issue of interest and then receive updates when there is any new action related to that person on that issue as soon as it occurs.

Vote Smart (formerly known as Project Vote Smart), founded and endorsed by nationally recognized thought leaders such as former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, is currently utilized by major search platforms and media outlets like Bing, USA Today and National Journal. Vote Smart is the premier non-partisan, non-profit citizen-driven organization devoted to voter education. It is funded entirely by tax-deductible contributions from individuals and charitable foundations.

For more information, please visit

Related tags: 2014, I-spy, My-Vote-Smart, Political-Galaxy, VSDM, blog, press-release, vote-easy,

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