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Volunteer at the Great Divide Ranch!

24 June 2014

We finally see summer creeping up on us here at the Great Divide Ranch, after a long, harsh winter and chilly spring:  the grass is green, the aspen have leafed out, there is still snow on the mountains, and the wildlife are out in force.  Yesterday Richard and I saw a herd of 18 elk and two moose along Moose Lake Road.  Elk, deer and even an occasional moose visit our salt lick in the front pasture, our own pairs of sand hill cranes, grebes, and golden eye ducks are back to nest, and thousands of ground squirrels are keeping our St. Bernards, POTUS & Abigail Adams, running in all directions at once.  Franklin, our lodge "mouser," is also earning his keep. 

Yes, I am trying to capture your interest in coming out to see it for yourself!  If you are a member and have ever thought of volunteering at the Ranch and haven't done it yet, or if you want to return for another tour of duty, this would be a good year.  The most interesting part of the election year is upon us, and it will be very busy through mid-October.  We need more volunteers to work on the computers entering and checking candidate information, starting in mid-August. 

Volunteers come for two weeks, are housed in our lodge buildings, and work from 8-5, mostly in the office, alongside our staff and interns. They do simple data entry, proofing, mailings, some internet research, and sometimes outside work helping to maintain the property and lodge.  

Housing is free, all meals are provided for a minimal $45/week, and it is true communal living, chores included.  But there is plenty of time to explore this beautiful and largely undiscovered part of the Montana Rockies after work and on weekends. A tennis court, boating on Moose Lake, fly fishing on the Middle Fork of Rock Creek are all right here on the Ranch, with spectacular hiking trails just up the road, and the historic and picturesque mining town of Philipsburg nearby. 

We hope you will be able to fit us into your summer/fall schedule--we could really use your help!  And if you know of any college or recently graduated students who might be interested in our ten-week internship, please tell them that we provide free room and board in exchange for an eye-opening, non-partisan experience in practical American politics.  Contact me right away for more information or go to this link on our web site: Member Internships .  Also, one of our members(and her grown son) recently volunteered, and blogged about the experience:, and you might find that interesting, too.  

Related tags: Montana, blog, interns, members, volunteers

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