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Undecided Voters can VoteEasy!

2 November 2012

Undecided Voters Can VoteEasy
PROJECT VOTE SMART HEADQUARTERS (11/2/2012) – Vote Smart announces today their added technological capacity which is now sufficient to handle the millions of undecided voters expected to use its award-winning candidate match tool, VoteEasy
VoteEasy enables every voter to simply state their position on any one of 13 key issue areas and instantly see which presidential or congressional candidate agrees or disagrees with them.
This easy-to-use, interactive system covers every federal candidate in the country and can be accessed by visiting
Vote Smart also provides detailed information on every federal and state candidate in the following areas: voting records, biographical information, issue positions, ratings by all conservative and liberal groups, keyword search-able speeches, and campaign financing information, all found at 
In addition to these resources, Vote Smart operates a Voter’s Research Hotline, where voters can simply call toll-free 1-888-VOTESMART and talk to their own personal researcher who will look up any information the caller needs on any candidate in the country.
About Project Vote Smart: Founded by national leaders such as Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, Vote Smart researches the voting records, backgrounds, issue positions, campaign contributions, interest group ratings, and public statements of more than 40,000 candidates and elected officials. This information, as well as ballot measures and voter registration information, is available through, the Voter’s Research Hotline (1-888-VOTE SMART), free publications (Voter's Self-Defense Manual), and the new VoteEasy interactive application. Inaugurated in 1992, Project Vote Smart is non-partisan and nonprofit in mission, and is funded entirely by foundation grants and individual contributions.

Related tags: 2012-election, blog, elections, press-release, vote-easy

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