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Volunteer Spotlight: Janet Paduhovich

26 June 2012

Here at Project Vote Smart, we do a lot of hard work. And one of the great aspects of the Great Divide Ranch is that the members who pay for all this can come join us for two weeks and see for themselves what their money is helping to create.

Not long ago, Janet Paduhovich did just that, and flew into Missoula International Airport just before the start of summer. Here at Project Vote Smart we're happy to accommodate different travel schedules; so whether you're driving, flying to Missoula, or taking the bus to nearby Drummond, someone will be there to ensure that you make it safely to the ranch, with a chat or stop-off for necessary provisions along the way.

Janet added that driving to the Ranch was great; good scenery and [it] served to transition into the remote setting of the ranch. The ranch is located in rural Montana on the Great Continental Divide, a short ways southwest of Philipsburg, which comes alive with tourists and gift shops during the summer months, and turns into a popular ski town during the winter.

Janet says she is relatively dissatisfied with the beauty contest that pervades modern American politics. She elaborates, saying less talking heads and more genuine... intelligent ideas and information are needed in our politics...Project Vote Smart is the only organization with the credentials and information to provide a basis of information that could inform our populace and become a primary resource to replace or compliment the 1 or 2 remaining viable news sources. Traditional news sources no longer provide this information.”

When asked whether or not she felt like her visit had allowed her to help better the American political landscape, she described her feelings about the work she did here; “I felt like I made a contribution while I was there and I felt great about it. There's so much to do. Even though it was not 'sexy' work, I learned a great deal from doing my PVS volunteer assignments. I gained perspectives and learned things that I would not have otherwise discovered.”

And to her fellow members, Janet wanted to extend these words: “I would encourage members to come to the ranch. No special skills are needed except the desire to contribute. It's really quite an experiential opportunity to work side by side with staff and interns; people committed to being part of a foundational piece our country is desperately in need of. I feel that PVS is preserving data and truth for many who don't yet know they are missing it.”

Click here for more information on how to volunteer at the Great Divide Ranch.

Related tags: Montana, blog, interns, volunteers

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