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Are you a current student or recent grad?

1 June 2012

If you are interested in making a genuine contribution to your Nation this election year, in an idealistic and positive environment -- located in the middle of a natural wonderland -- we would love to have you join our team.

Our National Internship Program is available year-round at our uniquely-based research facilities at the Great Divide Ranch in southwest Montana. Here, current students and recent graduates join us for 10-weeks at a time (start date negotiable), and receive real work experience and scholarship funding which covers all living expenses. Our National Interns also enjoy the company of 40+ politically-minded young people, all living and working together, which makes for one exciting, eventful internship. 

Our National Internship Program provides students with unique practical and educational experiences. We seek interns who are genuinely interested in working to accomplish our goal of making factual, unbiased political information easily and freely accessible to all. The overriding qualification for securing an internship position is your willingness to commit 100% to the Project's goals and mission. To qualify for a Vote Smart internship you must meet the following:  

  1. Set aside political beliefs and be objective and non-partisan while working.
  2. Be in good standing with your university/school as a current student or alum.
  3. Commit to 10 consecutive weeks.
  4. Remember that our research facility is located in an extraordinarily beautiful but remote area. You will be expected to maintain the facility.

About the Great Divide Ranch: The Project's Great Divide Ranch Research Center is located 100 miles south of Missoula and 65 miles west of Butte, Montana. Nestled in the high peaks, lakes and streams of the Continental Divide the Great Divide Ranch is teaming with moose, elk, beaver and fish. There are a myriad of outdoor activities available to interns year-round. Whether it's hiking, fishing, camping, or swimming in the summer or skiing, ice fishing or snowmobiling in the winter, there is always something fun to do. We also have tennis, basketball and horseshoe facilities, as well as a small library and game room. The housing facilities consist of lodges divided into rooms that sleep between two and six people. Students should expect to have two to four roommates. We have a full-time lodge manager, as well as a full-time cook, who prepares all meals. As part of living in a group, interns are required to help with weekly cleaning and maintenance chores assigned by the lodge manager. Check out pictures here...  

To Apply:

National Intern applicants must submit the following:  

  1. Completed application form.
  2. Resume and cover letter.
  3. Minimum of three academic or professional references. References need only be names and contact information.

Application should be completed online - National Internship Application.

For more information about internship opportunities or alternate application submission options please contact Ann Cannella, Internship Coordinator, at 406-859-8683 or send your questions to

Related tags: blog, interns

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