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Love the Work Vote Smart Does? Be a Part of It!

1 December 2012


Are you a student or recent graduate interested in contributing to Project Vote Smart's mission of providing factual, free and unbiased information on your elected officials? Then our National Internship Program is for you!
Interns from across the nation and around the world come to our research facility near Philipsburg, Montana (right in the middle of the Montana Rockies). Throughout the year our interns play a crucial role in building Project Vote Smart. Our 10 week internship provides students and recent graduates with the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and the benefit of endless outdoor activities right at our doorstep. Interns live on-site at the Great Divide Ranch, and in return for 10 consecutive weeks of work, Vote Smart foots the bill for all living costs, including room and board.
Interns will work in a variety of departments ranging from our Political Courage Test and Research departments, to the Development and Communications department, and even Legislative Research.
If you're not a student or recent graduate, but know a few who would be interested in this opportunity, please pass it along. Our network of volunteers, members, and interns is built largely by people like you who share a passion for democracy and introduce others to Project Vote Smart and our mission.
Hear from some of our recent interns...
"I believe that Project Vote Smart can help to bring about a more politically involved and informed society, which is essential to an open and free democracy."
Laura (Illinois)
"Through the Political Courage Test and VoteEasy, Project Vote Smart cuts through the informational chaff and allows voters to easily see what candidates actually believe."
Zach (Michigan)
"This organization is a resource that empowers the average American and a reminder that this is a government of, for and by the PEOPLE, not the parties."
Colleen (New Jersey)
"In my free time I have traveled to a ghost town, Yellowstone, Glacier, Portland, and Seattle. Around the ranch I have explored the surrounding area and the Warren's Peak region."
Corey (Ohio)
"Interning at Project Vote Smart seemed like a wonderful opportunity to not only contribute to the political discussion in this country, but to also immerse myself in the great outdoors."
Avantika (Texas)
To learn more about our application process, click here...
If you're not already, please consider becoming a contributing member of Project Vote Smart.  Your contribution helps support our National Internship Program.

Related tags: Illinois, Michigan, Montana, New-Jersey, Ohio, Texas, blog, interns, national-internship-program

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