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Rolling On

2 May 2008
Written by

For the month of April, we hit up the college campus circuit. We went to 11 college campuses in 5 states in the past three weeks. We were covered by 30 media outlets, including live morning shows in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Toledo. Some of the highlights were a beautiful day at Notre Dame with the enthusiastic help from student group NDVotes, a great day at the University of Evansville, and a busy day at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa. Overall students were receptive. You have a very short amount of time to converse with them, but they usually seem to be interested in what we have to say.

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to go out on the bus. For one, you get to travel and see a lot of cool places, but more importantly you get to talk to people face to face. I get to see some tangible results for the hard work we put in. Some people in the office just do research all day or input data or try to get candidates to fill out the Political Courage Test or process donations. Being on the bus gives us the opportunity to see people excited about the services we offer, to introduce new people to PVS, and to hear a lot of people say this is exactly what they have been looking for. I hope this excitement will stick with me as I head back to the Montana and transcend throughout the entire office.

Related tags: 2008-election, blog, bus-tour

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