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Past, Present, and Future

8 July 2008
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Fourth of July was a day to go down in the history books for Project Vote Smart. Barack Obama attended Butte's Fourth of July parade. This was the perfect opportunity for PVS interns to assimilate and alert the parade goers of the free resources available to them. Sarah Neely, media intern, loosely referred to the task as the "Guerilla Tactics Campaign". Many interns were armed with pamphlets and DVD's and Voter's Self-Defense Manual promotional business cards to hand out to the public and the press. The ambush was a success in promoting PVS's good cause. Having a presidential candidate within the reach of an outstretched hand was something all the PVS interns appreciated.


The President of PVS, Richard Kimball had a feature article written about him in The Chautauquan Daily by staff member, Lindsey Kennedy. The New York newspaper is distributed six days a week during the summer season. The article covers the development of Project Vote Smart and Richards view of the American democracy. The article states that Kimball feels all political candidates should be required to fill out an employment application just like anyone applying for a job. The Voter's Self Defense Manual functions as this application because it provides unbiased information that the citizens can use to make their own decisions on whom to vote for. The article also covers some personal aspects of Mr. Kimball that few may know about. He was elected to Arizona's State Senate and chaired the Arizona Corporation Commission. It goes on to say how our President love for politics rose from his father, the late Mr. William Kimball. If it were not for his father, we would not have the astounding organization called Project Vote Smart.


Our Voters Self Defense Manuals have arrived at the Great Divide Ranch and are available to the public. If you or anyone you know may like our manual, feel free to contact Project Vote Smart at 1-888-868-3762 to have one delivered at no cost! We are in the process of having the manuals available to be requested online. This new feature will dramatically simplify the ordering process. Many citizens have already ordered one, so order yours now.

Related tags: 0, 2008-election, Montana, Richard-Kimball, VSDM, blog, interns, journalists

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