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Back on the Bus

25 April 2008
Written by

When I first began on the bus, I did not anticipate the reception that it would receive from citizens, tv stations, and newspapers alike. Now, after a few months away, I can really see why the bus is so well received. Sure it is bold in color and huge in size, but it really is the message that people are attracted to. Being in California before Super Tuesday allowed me to see the ridiculous amounts of political ads. Citizens are inundated with ads on every issue. The same thing was witnessed again this week in Pennsylvania. Every commercial break contains political spots for both democratic contestants, as well as spots for the local races. It is clear that the things that Project Vote Smart is trying to navigate through- rhetoric, spin, money- are only increasing in the political process. It is an uphill battle, but you take the small victories - a class of Erie high school students eager to vote for the first time, a Howard University janitor asking how to register to vote, multiple Howard Students asking how they can donate money, a St. Joe's student telling us she would tell all her friends about PVS, a Youngstown State student saying that we made her week. Yeah it's the little things that keep you going, the little things that make living on a bus, traveling each day, being away from home, a bed, a working toilet tolerable, and it is the little things that will hopefully help Project Vote Smart make big changes

Related tags: 2008-election, ads, blog, bus-tour

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