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Information is the currency of democracy€

4 July 2007
Written by

The title of this post is a quote from the third President of our country, Thomas Jefferson. On the fourth of July, our nation's birthday, we are reminded of the brave people who were willing to fight for what they believed in. They were willing to fight for their dream of a nation that was controlled by not only the wealthy and powerful, but rather by every citizen.

With the mudslinging, and attacks that are often associated with today's political campaigns, it's easy to believe that this dream of our founding fathers is dead, however at Project Vote Smart this dream is alive and well.

For nearly two decades Project Vote Smart has worked to provide the information that is necessary to allow voters from all across the nation to be informed citizens when they go to the polls.

Over the coming months Project Vote Smart will move into a new phase. While we will continue to provide the same accurate, and unbiased information that you have some to expect, we will not be focusing on spreading this information to the millions of Americans who need it, and have never heard of us.

Many of the programs that we will use to do this will be unveiled shortly. However, you can help with this monumental task right now! To do this you just need to tell your friends, family and coworkers about Project Vote Smart. Also, I would encourage you to use new media outlets to spread the work about PVS. Post blogs. Produce podcasts. Link to us. The task at hand is far too monumental for the staff and interns in our office to handle ourselves. We need your help!!!!

As you embark on your Fourth of July Festivities I encourage you to think about the dream that our Founding Fathers had for our nation, and remember that this dream is not possible without the continuing effort from all of us.

Related tags: Founding-Fathers, blog

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