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The 2007 PVS Olympics

20 July 2007
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In keeping with a long-standing tradition here at the Project, the staff and interns battled it out yesterday in the Olympic contest. For the first time in recorded history, the staff took the day, winning the majority of the events. What were these feats? What tested the mettle of these comrades in the fight for our democratic republic? The events were varied, the competition was fierce and spirits were high.

Tug-o-war The day started off with a rousing relay, in the style of Double Dare (c), the game show on Nickelodeon circa 1988, hosted by Mark Summers. The event was taken in a rather contentious victory by the staff. It was immediately followed by a tug-of-war contest which also saw a staff victory. All tuckered out by the physical contests, the competitors moved onto a stimulating trivia contest, focusing on pop culture from the 1990s through the present. Again, the staff took the event, despite the rising tension among competitors. After the battle of the minds was completed, another physical challenge faced our fearsome competitors...the battle of the Greased Watermelon. In this contest a watermelon that has been greased (surprise) is thrown into the center of the pond to be retrieved by a team. During the scuffle that ensued, one person lost their pants, another was thrown into the lake (despite not being in the event), and the dock was broken in two. This event was the first of the interns' victories, and also saw the day's first injuries.

After the drama of the water event, we took a short break to cool down from the 100+ degree heat and sit in the shade. Quickly thereafter, however, we resumed competition with a good, old-fashioned relay race, involving swimming, running, carrying of water balloons and eggs and a race to drink a gallon of lemonade. The interns bested the staff in the last leg of the competition, giving them their second victory of the day.

The next event took us to Moose Lake, and tested the agility and the strength of the competitors. The Project's newly purchased water trampoline was used as a platform for a gladiatorial contest of King/Queen of the lake. Last one on the trampoline won the event. After 6 rounds of intense competition, the staff came forward with their fourth victory of the competition, securing their victory for the day.

George eating pie Because the pastries had already been purchased, we decided to go ahead with the pie eating competition, for a cash prize, offered by Project President, Richard Kimball. In a (rather sickening) display of competitive eating of baked goods, intern Tariq finished first, but as it was a competition of teams, the slow and steady staffers bested the trifecta of intern competitors and won the cash prize as well.

The competitions were a chance for us to get out of the office, enjoy the weather and test our physical might and mental acuity. Good times were had by all, and we are now back in the office, pooling our efforts as interns and staff to further the cause of governmental transparency. After all, that's what democracy is about at the end of the day; coming from competition (Olympics/Elections) to unity (Office work/Executive-Legislative cooperation). Or maybe everyone just needs recess sometimes.

Related tags: blog, interns, staff-members

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