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Sign up for Project Vote Smart's E-newsletter

27 August 2007
Written by

Election year 2008 is going to be unlike any other. Political campaigns and special interest groups have already shown that they are armed and ready to get their messages out there, but Project Vote Smart is ready to combat the messages of misinformation that often come out of these campaigns.
One way that you can help Project Vote Smart in this struggle for truth is by signing up for our E-newsletter that we will soon be launching. We realize that we must be able to get our message out to our members and other supports of truth in politics in the most efficient way possible, if we want to have a chance of competing with these campaigns who have multi-million dollar budgets.
By signing up for the E-newsletter you will receive regular updates from Project Vote Smart, as well as information on how you can help PVS to get accurate and unbiased information to voters around the country, also you will receive up-to-date schedules for our bus tour as well as our speeches that are made by founding board members around the country.
To sign up for the newsletter simply fill in your e-mail address that is on the left sidebar of this blog. It's as simple as that. So please sign up today, and help us in our struggle to preserve our democracy.

Related tags: 2008-election, blog, e-newsletter

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