SB 241 - Expands Timeframe for Candidate Withdrawal from Presidential Primary - Delaware Key Vote


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Title: Expands Timeframe for Candidate Withdrawal from Presidential Primary

Title: Expands Timeframe for Candidate Withdrawal from Presidential Primary

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Title: Expands Timeframe for Candidate Withdrawal from Presidential Primary

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that expand the timeframe for candidate withdrawal from presidential primary and makes other changes in the state of Delaware.


  • Establishes that if the following occurs then the candidate remaining in a primary shall be considered as having received 100% of the vote for the party’s presidential primary election automatically (Sec. 1): 

    • If only one candidate files for a party’s nomination by the filing deadline and no additional candidates are added to the ballot; or

    • One or more candidates who have not withdrawn prior to the deadline withdraw publicly or announce they're suspending their campaign no later than 15 days before the primary election. 


  • Specifies that if no candidate files for the party’s nomination, no election shall be held for that party’s nomination (Sec. 1). 

Title: Expands Timeframe for Candidate Withdrawal from Presidential Primary
